
Calming Tantrums On Demand Webinar



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Jonathan Alderson, Ed.M.

Jonathan is an autism treatment specialist and founder of the innovative Integrative Multi-Treatment Intervention Program.  A Masters graduate from Harvard University, he has experience as a Curriculum Specialist Coordinator with Teach for America, and 8 years of training at the Autism Treatment Centre of America in Massachusetts, working in their Son-Rise Program as program administrator and a senior therapist trainer. His international work includes the Middle East, Australia, Ireland, England and Mexico. He has spoken at the Royal College of Pediatricians (University of Nottingham) and the Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation.

Currently he serves as Chair of the Seneca College Behavioural Sciences Advisory Committee and an Executive of the Harvard Club of Toronto. He has written for The Huffington Post, ParentsCanada Magazine, and The Autism File.

Jonathan is the editor of the book Autism 101 2nd Ed. and is the author of the 7-award honored book Challenging the Myths of Autism. He is CEO and founder the ThriveGuide.